What does a home wind mitigation Inspection include?
Looking to lower your homeowner’s insurance costs? Wind mitigation compliance can help. By generating and submitting a wind mitigation report to your insurance company, you may qualify for policy discounts. Most homes have construction features that can help you secure these windstorm insurance premium savings.
A thorough wind mitigation inspection verifies the construction details of your home, legally allowing you to apply for insurance discounts. Essentially, the stronger your home is built to withstand wind damage, the more discounts you can qualify for each year. A well-constructed home not only provides greater protection against wind-related damage but also enhances your savings potential.
Roof Covering
The time and date of installation and if it meets the standard building codes in the area it is located.
Roof Deck Construction
The quality and type of roof decking used in the structure and how well it is joined or attached to the remaining structure. As an example: Is it nailed down or stapled, and in the case if nails are used, what is the total length of the nail, and the spacing distance between each nail inserted. It must meet local and state codes.
The Roof to Wall Attachment
This is the most qualifying factor and where the attachments are located become the main focus. The trusses are checked to see if they are attached with either nails or hurricane clips and if the wraps are only single or are they double.
Hurricane Shutters or Window Protection
The inspector looks for shutters and any sort of pre-installed protection devices that are designed to protect the structure from wind-born debris in the windows and doors. These devices are checked to determine the protection rating of them. The home must have 100% of all the openings covered and have a valid protection rating to qualify for an insurance discount
The Geometry of the Roof
Is the roof either hip, gable, or any other type? The shaping is checked to determine what type. How does roof shapes affect the way the wind flows over the roof that may cause damage. This is a definite point for qualification towards a discount.